Coho Salmon Roe (Dog Salmon) is a popular red caviar variety, but its availability is limited due to the difficulty of harvesting.* It has a dark red or even burgundy color, a unique taste with a slight spiciness, and smaller roe (approximately 4mm in diameter).* The vibrant red color is a distinguishing feature, unlike other salmon roe, which ranges from pale red to dark red-mauve shades. * Health Benefits: * Rich in folic acid, potassium, iron, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, and calcium, high in vitamins and proteins, which are efficiently absorbed by the human body. * Coho salmon roe enhances the immune...
Coho Salmon Roe (Dog Salmon) is a popular red caviar variety, but its availability is limited due to the difficulty of harvesting. * It has a dark red or even burgundy color, a unique taste with a slight spiciness, and smaller roe (approximately 4mm in diameter). * The vibrant red color is a distinguishing feature, unlike other salmon roe, which ranges from pale red to dark red-mauve shades. * Health Benefits: * Rich in folic acid, potassium, iron, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, and calcium, high in vitamins and proteins, which are efficiently absorbed by the human body. * Coho salmon roe enhances the immune system, blood circulation, metabolic processes, and provides protection against atherosclerosis and cancer.