Is Caviar Good for Lowering Cholesterol Levels?

Cholesterol is among those few diseases troubling many individuals today. To be precise, cholesterol is both an integral component of the human body and an element most people have too much of, leading to various risks of cardiovascular disease; hence, the large population suffers from high cholesterol. High cholesterol individuals often find ways to – get it down by means of diets. This leads many to wonder about the caviar’s cholesterol effect as this food has both good fatty acids and bad cholesterol.

Cholesterol Levels In Caviar

As much as people would want caviar for its taste, it is necessary to discuss the high cholesterol levels today; to better understand how caviar would fit into this picture, it's necessary to consider its cholesterol content. In fact, 100g of caviar can be said to have approximately 300 mg of cholesterol and this is quite a notable figure. But it is nonetheless important to note that there are different variants of cholesterol and not all of it is bad.

Docosatetraenoic acid-dominant “bad cholesterol.”
They are low density lipoproteins that have the tendency to get deposited in the walls of arteries creating plaque which increases the probability of stroke or heart attack.

High-density lipoprotein “good cholesterol.”
Currently. is a medication, it does start with reducing cholesterol’s however that doesn't stop there once a vast amount of cholesterol is present high-density lipoproteins assist in getting rid of it back to be broken down by the liver.

Caviar has bad cholesterol contents, what many don’t realize is that caviar has some beneficial aspects that do in fact promote cardiovascular health.

How Caviar Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Omega 3 Fatty Acids
The most praised benefit of caviar is that it is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These polyunsaturated fats are exclusively beneficial in lowering the levels of triglycerides, which are the blood fats, while at the same time increasing ‘good’ cholesterol levels which is HDL (High density lipoprotein). This cholesterol promotes absorption of ‘bad’ cholesterol, known as low density lipoprotein, from blood circulation.
Several studies have shown that consuming fish oil or Omega 3 fatty acids help in lowering the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Omega 3 fatty acids also lower the severity of inflammation that contribute to cholesterol plaque and cardiovascular disease and improve blood vessels health.

Moreover, caviar is excellent in enriching the body with antioxidants (especially vitamin E that neutralizes free radicals), which is abundant in red and black caviar. Antioxidants may also assist in getting rid of oxidized LDL -’bad’’ cholesterol - which is a major cause of atherosclerosis.

As for lecithin, it is also present in caviar, and helps to lower LDL while raising the levels of HDL, thereby normalizing the cholesterol level of an individual.

Can people with high cholesterol eat caviar?

Caviar may be helpful in lowering a high cholesterol level, but it must be taken carefully. For people who would like to eat caviar and monitor their blood cholesterol levels, please follow these suggestions.

Moderate Consumption
Because of the presence of significant cholesterol levels in caviar, it is advisable not to eat above 30-50 grams of caviar in a day. This way one will be able to take up some (a sufficient amount of) Caviars Omega 3 fatty acids and cholesterol would not be excessed.

Eat with other foods
Fiber containing vegetables, greens and perhaps wholegrains bread should be served with caviar to patients. This fiber is helpful in removing the ‘bad’ cholesterol from the body thereby reducing its concentration in blood.

Periodic Usage
For persons with high cholesterol caviar should be eaten only once or twice a week. In this way, the required nutrients will be available to you without threat of raising cholesterol.

Caviar and other Omega-3 sources

If your primary goal is to reduce cholesterol, caviar is not the only helping product. You may as well try other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids including fatty fish (salmons, mackerels and herrings), flaxseed oil, and nuts. These foods deliver heart and vascular related benefits without adding cholesterol load on the body.
Important points

Liver and kidneys: Due to its high salt and protein content, people with liver or kidney disease ought to be careful when eating caviar.

High Blood Pressure: Caviar contains a huge quantity of salt; hence, hypertensive people should be careful with its use. It is best to avoid large portions and combine caviar with other foods rich in potassium in order to mitigate the impact of salt consumption.
Tilda Publishing
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